Wednesday, May 1, 2013

my speech

Abortion should be stopped
Before I give my speech, I would like to tell a story about abortion. We know that abortion is like a best solution to overcome pregnant out of wedlock, actually we can get the other solution if we want to be responsible for our action. Like when I saw a film about abortion with the title “unborn child”, there was a girl, she studied in Senior high school, she had a boyfriend that loved her. She always went with her boyfriend, sometimes she truant at school and the last she pregnant because the way she was dated with her boyfriend was not healthy, she went in deserted place. She always came home until 10.00 pm; When she was pregnant, her boyfriend didn’t want to be responsible about it, her boyfriend wanted that she aborted her pregnancy, because they thought that they still studied in senior high school grade 2, they wanted to have fun when still young, and then they went to the practice of illegal abortion doctor to abort her pregnant with brought money to pay the abortion fee. When she aborted by this doctor, doctor didn’t sterilize her hand and her medical equipment, she didn’t use surgical gown, and while she was smoked, she didn’t know how to abort like a professional doctor, it is very dangerous for the patient. She just cried because she felt pain, she lost many blood, and the last she was died, and the doctor just went and was not cared with her, her boyfriend very confused and finally her boy friend was in jail because the incident, because his girlfriend passed away because due to bleeding.
I believe that abortion should be stopped because abortion is a bad solution, we kill the unborn child, and it is very sinful. We do relationship outside of marriage, it is sin, more sin again if we kill unborn child, because indeed there is never any error above basic of fetus which conceived but our act with our couple.
In this chance i wish to talk about 
    Why we should not choose abortion as the best solution.
    Why illegal abortion is very dangerous for the women.
First, in America there are reasons why the women to do abortion:
1.         They don’t want to have children because they fear that it can disturb their careers, schools or the other responsibilities (75%)
2.         They don’t have enough money to care for their children (66%)
3.         They don’t want to have children without fathers (50%)
Other reasons that often said are still too young (especially that who they are pregnant out of wedlock), disgrace of family, or already have a lot of children. There are many people who have an abortion; they don’t understand what they are doing. They don’t know that the miracles of feel a mother, as she feels movement and squirming child in the womb.
Such reasons are also given by the women in Indonesia who tried to convince to him that killing a fetus in the womb is permissible and correct. All of these reasons are unfounded.
Instead, these reasons just only to indicate the passiveness of a woman, who just thought himself. This data is also supported by studies of Aida Torres and Jacqueline Sarroch Forrest (1998) which states that only 1% of cases of abortion due to rape or incest (sexual intercourse of the blood), 3% for endangering the lives of expectant mothers, and 3% for the fetus to grow with a serious disability. While 93% of cases abortion for the reasons that are self interest, including fear of is not be able to afford, afraid ostracized, embarrassed or prestige.
And the second, Abortion is very dangerous for the women because abortion has a high risk to the health or safety of a woman. It is not true to say that if someone had an abortion she didn’t feel anything and immediately allowed to go home. This is very misleading information for every woman, especially those who are confused because they don’t want the pregnancy that has already happened.
There are 2 kinds of health risk to a woman, who has an abortion:
1.         risks of Health and safety are physically
2.         Risk of psychological disorders.
Physical health and safety risks
At the time of the abortion and after an abortion there are some risks that will be faced by a woman, as described in the book "Facts for Life" written by Brian Clowes, PhD namely:
1. Sudden death due to bleeding
2. Sudden death due to anesthesia failed
3. Slow death due to a serious infection around the womb
4. A torn uterus (Uterine Perforation)
5. Damage to the cervix (Cervical Lacerations) it will lead to defects in next children.
6. Breast cancer (due to an imbalance of estrogen in women)
7. Ovarian cancer (Ovarian Cancer)
8. Cervical cancer (Cervical Cancer)
9. Liver cancer (Liver Cancer)
10. Abnormalities in the placenta (Placenta Previa) it will cause defects of the next child and severe bleeding during the next pregnancy.
11 be barren / it is not be able to have children again (Ectopic Pregnancy).
12. Pelvic infection (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease).
13. Infection of the lining of the uterus (endometriosis).
The risk of the mental health
The process of abortion is not just a process that has a high risk in terms of health and safety of a woman physically, but also has a very great impact on the mental state of a woman.
This phenomenon is known in psychology as "Post-Abortion Syndrome" (Post-Abortion Syndrome) or PAS. These symptoms are noted in the "Psychological Reactions Reported after Abortion" in the publication of The Post-Abortion Review (1994). Basically a woman who had an abortion will experience things like the following:
           Loss of self-esteem (82%)
           Hysterical (51%)
           Nightmare many times with the baby (63%)
           Want to commit suicide (28%)
           Begins to use drugs (41%)
           No longer be able to enjoy sexual intercourse (59%)
Beyond the above matters the women who have abortions will be filled with guilt that does not go away for years in his life.
In the conclusion I would like to reiterate that abortion is very dangerous for the woman not just for their health and psychological but it is including some evil, because do abortion can deliver us to go to the jail, and we will get a reply for our deeds.
I agree if abortion should be removed and eradicated because abortion is not the best solution. We must stop pregnant out of wedlock with commit with our couple to do not do deviate, we must keep our couple, not hurt our couple. Give whose you have at the exact time; do not give everything before we get married.
Thank you for your attention.

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