Wednesday, May 1, 2013

my speech

Abortion should be stopped
Before I give my speech, I would like to tell a story about abortion. We know that abortion is like a best solution to overcome pregnant out of wedlock, actually we can get the other solution if we want to be responsible for our action. Like when I saw a film about abortion with the title “unborn child”, there was a girl, she studied in Senior high school, she had a boyfriend that loved her. She always went with her boyfriend, sometimes she truant at school and the last she pregnant because the way she was dated with her boyfriend was not healthy, she went in deserted place. She always came


hadewh,,,,,tugas menumpuk,,,,,bikin pucing,,,,,,yah beginilah anak kuliahan,,,,mending ne masih iktu ortu,,,lo udah ngekost,,,aduh,,,,,,dah keteteran makan,,,,,alih" makan,,,,mending ngerjain tugas,,,hehehehe,,,,minggu ini sangat menyibukkan,,,banyak tugas,,,haduh,,,q bingung ne,,,mau ngerjain yang mana dlu,,,,,pengen refresing,,,,,otaknya udah mengepul,,,hahahahahaha,,,keknya businya udah rusak,,,wakakakaka,,,emang motor

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

cat specific information

Cats make wonderful companions regardless of breed or age. Creating a strong bond between you and your cat begins with understanding. On the this page you will find links to a range of information that you can use to ensure your cat's life will be long and happy.
Cats and Play
Play time is critical for a cat's well-being. Play provides physical and mental stimulation; teaches important skills; can prevent behavior problems; helps an adopted cat bond to the new family; and helps shy cats to come out of their shells. There's actually a lot of important stuff going on while your cat is having fun!


how to make a simple pizza

How to Make Pizza
Making your own pizza isn't hard — you just need a few basic tools like a wooden pizza peel and a pizza stone. But once you start making your own pizzas, you'll probably find that your pizzas are just as good, if not better than, the ones from your local pizza joint.

There's one thing that can't be mentioned too often, and that is: keep your pizza peel dry. Even a little dab of sauce or oil or whatever can cause the pizza to stick to the peel when you try to slide it into the oven.

cara mempercantik blogmu

assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Cara Mempercantik Blog Dengan Efek Bintang Jatuh - Ariflaw Blog | Mempunyai tampilan blog yang Bagus pasti idaman semua Bloggerkan? iya donk. Nah untuk itu di sini saya coba membagkan sebuah Cara Untuk Mempercantik Tampilan Blog dengan Efek Bintang Jatuh. Dengan Efek Bintang Jatuh ini .. pastinya donk tampilan blog kalian akan lebih sedikit berdeda dari yang lainya dan yang pasti membuat suasana blog ada lebih hidup ketimbang nga ada apa apan.
Cuman kelemahanya dari memasang Efek Bintang Jatuh ini adalah loading blog kalian mungkin akan sedikit agag lama. Yahh namanya juga Java Scrip. Tapi kan sebanding dengan apa yang kita dapatkan jadi tinggu apalagi yauukk pasang .!!!!! Caranya seperti apa?? Kita simakk... !!!

yogyakarta istimewa

Mengapa Yogyakarta istimewa? Mungkin pertanyaan ini banyak yang ingin melontarkannya, setelah pada saat yang lalu, pemerintah Indonesia saat ini di bawah pimpinan SBY dan para kongsinya mencoba sedikit menggoyang keistimewaan Yogyakarta. Yang kesemuanya pasti bermuatan politik mengingat periode masa jabatannya hanya tinggal sejengkal saja. Saran kami, jadilah Sultan di kampungmu!
Cara Membuat Masker Wajah Alami Sendiri: Ingin memiliki kulit wajah (muka) yang bersih dan sehat, harus selalu melakukan perawatan wajah dan terkadang melakukan masker wajah. Banyak masker siap pakai yang ditawarkan, tapi ada baiknya membuat masker wajah sendiri. Karna selain murah, simple dan mudah, berkhasiat baik, dan bahan alami yg dipakai gak memiliki efek berbahaya buat kulit.

Berikut beberapa jenis masker wajah alami yang bisa kamu buat sendiri dan juga bisa diaplikasikan untuk semua jenis kulit wajah.
Masker Oatmeal
- Campurkan 1 sdm oatmeal dengan 1 sdm yoghurt tanpa rasa
- Aduk hingga merata
- Setelah itu teteskan dua hingga tiga tetes madu

my new assignment

What are the main causes of problem between friends?

The fact on our friends that many people ever have a problem between their friends, such as problem when they have friends and cannot understand “what is our friend’s want”, when we cannot accept their weaknesses, and sometimes we are selfish with our opinion. It's very hard if we will find friend is perfect, many people have weaknesses and strengths, and we should receive it. There are many problem that these can appear between friends; have a new friend, struggle to get a girl or boyfriend, have an unimportant problem, telling with another friend about her or his weaknesses when she or he doesn’t know it.